about jamie
author, artist, naturalist
Jamie K. Reaser is a scientist, philosopher, award-winning writer, artist, and regenerative farmer. In all forms, Jamie’s work explores the inter-relatedness of Nature and human nature. She is tended by the meandering Rockfish River and steadfast Blue Ridge Mountains of central Virginia.
Jamie’s work arises from the question, “How do we love ourselves back into the world to the depth and extent that we recognize ourselves as a part of rather than apart from Nature?” Her writing is observation, invocation, lamentation, and healing salve. It is philosophy, inquiry, and craft. Her stories are our stories: the essential, the formative, the revelatory, the dissentive, and the generative. She lives and scribes from a place of courageous vulnerability and deep, earthy consciousness.
In addition to her numerous books, Jamie’s literary works appear in magazines, anthologies, textbooks, and art installations. An avid and inspiring public speaker, she transmutes written word into lived word as a keynote speaker at large conferences and festivals, when teaching at academic institutions or guiding nature-based retreats, and in the close-knit community settings offered by indie bookstores and coffee houses. Whether the venue is grand or humble, Jamie imbues it with a sense of belonging, intimacy, and possibility.
Jamie holds a BS in Field Biology with a minor in Studio Art from the College of William and Mary and a PhD in Biology from Stanford University. She is the author of more than 100 scientific and policy papers that bring insights to the human dimensions of environmental issues.